Tuesday, May 5, 2009

How to Add a (Crystal Reports Job) Server in Business Objects CCM

Title is kind of misleading. This walkthrough will apply to adding any types of Business Objecst servers in the Central Configuration Manager (CCM). I included Crystal Reports in the title, because I decided to add a Crystal Reports Job Server. 

1) From CCM, add a Server

2) Continue 

a. Pick a Server Type: Job Server, Cache Server, Destination Server, whatever, you get the idea...
b. Display Name: As it suggests
c. Server Name: Similar to Display names, this must NOT have the same name as it's existing primary server name. For instance, if you are adding a 2nd Crystal Reports Job server, where your primary Crystal Report Job Server's name is "your-bo-server.companyXYZ.jobserver" -make sure to name this 2nd server as something else like "your-bo-server.companyXYZ.jobserver (2) ", or something like that. If you don't rename the additional servers, you're basically go through some panic attacks! (Dare to experiment with duplicate server names on your Test environment? Then please share your experience with our readers here.  :| )

a. Temp Directory: Define or leave as blank
b. Objects to Process: Now, a 'Job Server' can process multiple types of reports; so you basically tell this server to one specific type of reports. In our case, it's Crystal Reports. I, myself, always hated the fact that SAP/BO decided to name Crystal Reports as 'Report', as if WebI and DeskI reports do not count. So, remember, whenever you see 'Report' - it's referring to Crystal Reports. 

5) Hit Next and Finish; you'll be back to CCM. Now Start your newly added server. 

6) Go to your CMC and Enable and Start your new added (Crystal Reports) Job Server.

7) Last, but not least, make sure to enable all the Destination Services. We needed to increase our Crystal Reports Job Servers from 2 to 8, due to their ability to only handle 5 report requests (scheduled jobs) per CPU and we had quad core machine, which means, 20 reports per Crystal Reports Job Server. And we had to schedule reports for over 150 users and thus we needed at least 8 job servers. Though the initial 2 Crystal Reports Job servers had the 'Email (SMTP)' enabled under the Destination services, the latter 6 job servers did not (by default, they aren't). And though our jobs ran fine, we still had errors and finally figured out that we needed to enable Email (SMTP), and that solved the problem. 

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