Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Static Parameters in Crystal Reports

Video - Topics covered:

This is a follow up video of our previous video on How to create Crystal report using Standard Report Wizard.

1) Static Parameters - Static parameters are used in prompts values or List of Values that do not change, or do not change frequently. For example, if a report requires a prompt to select a particular State, it would ideal to use a Static LOVs because the number of states is unlikely to change any time soon. Also, static parameters are very fast becuase all the LOVs are loaded in the report and Crystal Reports does not have to query the data source to retrieve the LOVs.

2) Static List of Values - used by Static parameters, can be retrieved and stored with Static Parameters created on a Crystal report using the 'Append All Database Values' feature. You can also import the LOVs from external text files or simply type your own LOVs.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Standard Report Wizard on Crystal Reports XIR2

Video - Topics covered:

1) Standard Report Wizard - How to create Crystal reports using database tables - i.e. simply dragging and dropping tables and joining them - much like in Designer creating universes.

2) Group Expert - as it's name suggests, this is an extended front end version of the 'group by' function of Crystal reports. Very easy to use and very useful. Those of you who write SQL a lot, know sometime it gets very painful when using Group By clause in your code. Not in Crystal Reports.

3) Design view - introduction to the sectional layout of Crystal reports, including Report Header, Page Headers, Group Headers (if you do not use any grouping in your report, you won't have Group Headers), Details - main data, Group Footers, Report Footers , Page Footer. So, it looks like this in Design view:

Report Header
Page Header
Group Header
Group Footer
Report Footer
Page Footer

4) Select Expert (Selection Formulas) - The name of this feature isn't very intuitive but this can be thought of as an extended front end of version of Where clause. We can restrict and manipulate data using this feature. For example, if we wanted to assign a custom Parameter/promot to an available field, we would use Record Selection Formulas.

5) Formula Workshop - Formula Editor Very intuitive. You can create all sorts of formulas using SQL or Crystal syntax. For example, UPPERCASE, NULL behaviors, data type conversions, mathematical calculations and so on.